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Who we are

Nata Libera is a non-profit association
who has the goal
to give hope to animals in distress,
providing them specialized care 
and a chance for a dignified life.


Founded in 1998 thanks to the commitment of Angela Revel Chion,

the association has intervened in many critical cases, taking care of animals,

even exotic ones, often coming from zoos, farms, breedings subject to closure or seizure.


The historic refuge of Scalveis,

on the 'Serra' close to Ivrea, has housed

a variety of animals over the years,

both domestic or farm animals – goats, sheeps, donkeys, horses, rabbits, even a llama! – both wild ones: foxes, hedgehogs, dormice, birds of prey and many others.

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The new shelter

After its founder passed away, Nata Libera continued its activity,

remaining faithful to the original values

that inspired its creation.


In 2020, the shelter was relocated

at Cascina Busen, in San Carlo di Graglia, situated on the slopes of Mombarone. 


Here, in the calm

of the surroungings woods and

thanks to the care of the volunteers,

the animals can find an ideal habitat

to recover from traumas and pain

and to start a new life.

Our guests

The shelter currently houses

dozens of animals:

many are 'permanent' guests,

some are wild animals,

undergoing treatment or recovery,

that will soon go back to their free life.


Each of them has a name, a character,

a history that deserves to be told.

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