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Nata Libera è una associazione no profit
che aiuta gli animali in difficoltà.
È un C.R.A.S. (Centro Recupero Animali Selvatici)
e gestisce un rifugio nel Biellese.

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Nata Libera is a non-profit association that aims to give hope to animals in need, offering them specialized care and a chance for a dignified life...

Nata Libera intervenes in critical situations involving both domestic or farm animals and wild animals...

Nata Libera is recognized as a Wild Animal Recovery Center (CRAS), with the aim of offering a point of reference for the rescue of local wildlife... 

The guests

Here are some of the friends who live in our shelter

Latest news

The blog that talks about daily life
in our shelter

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Our habitat

Learn more about local wildlife

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